Lemongrass Tea: Beyond the Basics – Unveil Flavor, Benefits & Creative Uses

Looking for a natural remedy to soothe your stomach, elevate your mood, or simply add a touch of zen to your day? Taste your buds the lemongrass tea, a fragrant herbal infusion gaining immense popularity worldwide. This vibrant beverage boasts not only a delightful citrusy aroma but also a treasure trove of potential health benefits.

Lemongrass tea, brewed from the leaves of the Cymbopogon citratus plant, has been a staple in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. Today, its unique flavor and wellness properties are captivating tea enthusiasts globally. Whether you’re seeking a relaxing after-dinner drink or a natural pick-me-up in the afternoon, lemongrass tea offers a delightful and potentially health-supportive solution.

Aromatic Allure: Unveiling Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass, the star ingredient in our fragrant brew, isn’t just another pretty face (or, well, stalk) in the herbal tea world. This unique plant boasts a visual and olfactory experience that tantalizes the senses even before you take your first sip.

Visually: Lemongrass stalks resemble long, slender blades of grass with a vibrant green hue. As they mature, the bottom portion of the stalk takes on a pale, yellowish color.

Olfactorily: The magic truly unfolds when you encounter lemongrass’s aroma. Imagine a burst of citrusy goodness combined with a subtle hint of ginger and a touch of floral sweetness. This unique fragrance is a result of essential oils like citral, which contribute significantly to lemongrass’s flavor and potential health benefits.

On the Taste Buds: When it comes to taste, lemongrass tea delivers a delightful dance of flavors. The dominant citrus notes are reminiscent of lemon or lemongrass (unsurprisingly!), with a subtle grassy undertone. Unlike some herbal teas, lemongrass offers a naturally sweet and refreshing taste, making it enjoyable even without added sugar.

Lemongrass tea’s unique characteristics extend beyond its sensory appeal. This versatile herb has been used for centuries in Southeast Asian cuisine, adding a fragrant touch to curries, soups, and stir-fries.

Brewing the Perfect Cup-How To Make Lemon Grass Tea

Here, we’ll explore methods for using both fresh and dried lemongrass, ensuring you can enjoy this delightful beverage any time.

Fresh Lemongrass Tea

  • Look for firm, green stalks of lemongrass at your local grocery store. Avoid stalks that are dry or brown, as they might offer a weaker flavor.

  • Wash the lemongrass stalk thoroughly. Using a sharp knife, remove the tough outer layers and the woody root end.

  • This step is crucial for releasing the full flavor of lemongrass. Use the blunt end of a knife or a muddler to gently bruise the stalk along its length. Don’t pulverize it; aim for gentle cracks.

  • In a saucepan, combine bruised lemongrass with water (generally 1 stalk to 4 cups of water). Bring to a simmer and let it steep for 10-15 minutes, depending on your desired strength.

  • Strain into the mug and enjoy drinking the tasty lemongrass tea. You can add a touch of honey, ginger, or mint for a personalized flavor twist.

Dried Lemongrass Tea

  • Dried lemongrass offers a readily available alternative to fresh stalks. Look for it in loose-leaf form or pre-packaged tea bags.

  • Steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried lemongrass in hot water (around 180°F) for 5-10 minutes. The steeping time may vary depending on the brand and desired strength.

  • Similar to fresh lemongrass tea, you can customize your dried lemongrass tea with additional ingredients like honey, ginger, or mint.

Beyond the Basics

  • While this recipe provides a foundational method, feel free to explore! Try adding a sliver of fresh ginger or a few mint leaves during the steeping process for a more complex flavor profile.

  • Both fresh and dried lemongrass can often be steeped for a second round. Taste the tea after the first steeping and decide if it needs additional strength.

  • For a refreshing summer drink, brew your lemongrass tea as usual and then allow it to cool completely. Pour it over ice and enjoy!

Benefits of Lemongrass Tea

Lemongrass-nutritional-facts Lemongrass Tea: Beyond the Basics - Unveil Flavor, Benefits & Creative Uses

Lemongrass plant tea isn’t just a delightful beverage; it’s a potential treasure trove of health benefits! While more research is ongoing to fully understand its properties, studies suggest lemongrass tea may offer a range of positive effects on your well-being. Let’s explore some of the most promising areas:

Digestive Relief

Traditionally, lemongrass tea has been used to soothe digestive ailments like indigestion, bloating, and stomach cramps. Studies suggest that certain compounds in lemongrass, such as citral, contribute to a calmer digestive system.

Anti-inflammatory Powerhouse

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can contribute to various health concerns. Lemongrass contains antioxidants and potential anti-inflammatory compounds that might help reduce inflammation in the body.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

The act of sipping a warm, fragrant cup of lemongrass tea can be a calming ritual in itself. Furthermore, some studies suggest that lemongrass may have properties that promote relaxation and ease anxiety.

Potential Blood Sugar Management

Early research indicates that lemongrass tea consumption might play a role in blood sugar management. The findings of this study have evaluated that using lemongrass extracts reduced blood glucose levels by 60.3%. This information is especially compelling for individuals dealing with diabetes or prediabetes. Nevertheless, additional research is necessary to validate these discoveries.

Immune System Support

Lemongrass boasts vitamin C and antioxidants, which are essential for a healthy immune system. While lemongrass tea isn’t a magic bullet for preventing illness, it might contribute to overall well-being and immune function.

Important Note:  It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using lemongrass tea if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

How to Use Lemongrass Beyond the Mug

Lemongrass tea’s magic extends far beyond the comforting warmth of a mug. This versatile ingredient offers a plethora of creative applications to incorporate its delightful aroma and potential benefits into your daily routine.

Spa-Worthy Steam

Elevate your self-care routine with a DIY lemongrass steam facial. Simply brew a strong pot of lemongrass tea, let it cool slightly, and drape a towel over your head while inhaling the steam for 5-10 minutes. This can help open pores, promote relaxation, and leave your skin feeling refreshed. Studies have also proven that the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) extract of lemongrass shows promise as a potential skincare cosmeceutical for treating Acne vulgaris.

Culinary Creations

Don’t relegate lemongrass tea solely to the beverage world! Use leftover brewed lemongrass tea (both fresh and dried) to add a unique citrusy and slightly grassy flavor dimension to soups, stews, or curries. The leftover lemongrass stalks from brewing can also be finely chopped and used as a fragrant addition to stir-fries or marinades.

Household Hero

Lemongrass tea’s natural antibacterial properties make it a potential cleaning aid. Use cooled lemongrass tea as a natural disinfectant for surfaces or even a refreshing air freshener (especially after a strong-smelling meal).

Cocktail and Mocktail Magic

For a unique and flavorful twist, consider incorporating lemongrass tea into your next cocktail or mocktail creation! Muddle a few fresh lemongrass leaves with other ingredients like ginger, mint, or citrus fruits for a delightful base. Experiment with different flavors and sparkling water or your favorite spirit to create a signature lemongrass beverage.

Potpourri Power

Dried lemongrass stalks can be incorporated into homemade potpourri blends. The fragrant citrus notes of lemongrass will add a refreshing touch to your living space.

Bonus: Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass-2 Lemongrass Tea: Beyond the Basics - Unveil Flavor, Benefits & Creative Uses

While lemongrass tea offers a delightful and potentially health-supportive way to enjoy the benefits of this herb, lemongrass oil provides a more concentrated source of its properties.

Feeding studies have established that lemongrass oil and extract possess antimicrobial, anticancer, antiamoebic, antidiarrheal, antifilarial, antitussive, antiseptic, larvicidal, insecticidal, miticidal, ovicidal, acaricidal, analgesic, aesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antinociceptive, antihypertensive, and anti-obesity properties.

Extracted through steam distillation, lemongrass essential oil boasts a potent citrusy aroma and a range of potential benefits:

  • Aromatherapy: Diffusing lemongrass oil can create an uplifting and invigorating atmosphere. It’s also believed to promote relaxation and ease anxiety.

  • Antimicrobial Properties: Studies suggest lemongrass oil may possess antimicrobial properties, potentially aiding in wound healing and surface disinfection. However, it’s crucial to dilute lemongrass oil properly before topical application.

  • Aches and Pain Relief: Lemongrass oil might offer some relief from muscle aches and pains when applied topically and diluted with carrier oil.

Potential Side Effects Of Lemongrass

Lemongrass tea is generally considered safe for most people when consumed in moderation. However,  like any herbal tea, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects:

  • Limited Information:  While research on lemongrass tea is ongoing, there’s still a lack of extensive data on potential side effects, especially for long-term use.

  • Allergic Reactions:  People with allergies to grasses like citronella or other members of the Poaceae family might experience allergic reactions to lemongrass tea. Symptoms can include rash, itching, or swelling. If you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue consumption and consult a healthcare professional.

  • Drug Interactions:  Lemongrass may interact with certain medications, particularly blood thinners or diuretics. It’s crucial to consult with your doctor before consuming lemongrass tea if you’re taking any medications.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:  There’s limited information on the safety of lemongrass tea during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid consumption during these times unless explicitly advised by your doctor.

Here are some general safety tips for consuming lemongrass tea:

  • Start Slow:  Begin with a small amount of lemongrass tea and gradually increase your intake as tolerated. This allows your body to adjust and helps identify any potential sensitivities.

  • Consult a Doctor:  If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns,  discuss consuming lemongrass tea with your healthcare professional before incorporating it into your routine.

  • Source Matters:  Choose high-quality lemongrass tea from reputable sources. Avoid using lemongrass essential oil for internal consumption, as it’s not intended for that purpose.


Lemongrass tea has captivated taste buds and potentially soothed ailments for centuries. From its delightful citrusy aroma to its potential health benefits, this fragrant herbal infusion offers a unique and versatile way to enhance your well-being.

Remember, while lemongrass tea is generally safe for most people, always prioritize your health. Be mindful of potential side effects, consult your doctor if you have any concerns, and start slowly to assess your body’s response.

We invite you to embark on your lemongrass tea journey. Experiment with brewing methods, discover flavors that tantalize your taste buds and explore the multitude of ways to integrate this fragrant herb into your life. From a comforting cup in the evening to a refreshing summer beverage, lemongrass tea offers a delightful and potentially health-supportive addition to your daily routine.

So, steep a cup, breathe in the invigorating aroma, and savor the magic of lemongrass tea!

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